Words used by spiritual abusers to cover the insidiousness of their words & deeds.

-I love you
-praying for you
-I like you
-I appreciate you
-In love
-Don’t be divisive (telling anyone how you’re being treated is labeled “divisive”)
Abusers use words of comfort to disorient and they use their victim’s fear of hurting others against them to keep them silent. In other words, abusers use goodness for evil & manipulate a person’s own righteous to serve the coverup of their own unrighteousness.

Abuse is twisted
It should be clear I’m not saying these words/terms are universally abusive. The difference is, abusers use these terms like anathesia before or after digging a figurative knife into you. They weaponize “I love you” while genuine people don’t. Real love builds, does not destroy.
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