Here is a thread on people making political statements --->
Do you think it's a coincidence this rider is leaning to his/her left? I certainly don't, that helmet is a dead give away for a lib in hiding.
Symbol of government tyranny left in the middle of an open field by a true patriot (or chief).
Political statement is right! Coincidence that the mouth guard, which has been proven to be completely ineffective at stopping coronovirus, is blue?
They're recruiting children now?!? Do libs have no shame?? These two must be allowed to live free the way our forefathers intended!
Now the libs are trying to contain all the patriots?!?
That sweet little bear ain't fooling anyone young sir! You wear that seat belt just to let everyone know which side you are on!!
These two career politicians are obviously against the 2A and won't stop until socialism is achieved!
We have two pictures here of obvious ANTIFA members plotting to tear down our historic statues. Helmets and face shields are dead giveaways.
The Harley is just a front for this guy's liberal agenda!
The lengths these libs will go to! Facing this child the wrong way so that cars behind them can all see their political affiliation?!?
Sound pretty ridiculous? That's because it is. It's not political. Let's all endure a very minor nuisance to show a little care for each other. Whaddayasay? #MaskUpUtah
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