#1. The people, the statues, were NOT PERFECT. They were products of their time. The statues reminders of significant eras, where people made choices to move forward, away from accepted, practiced norms. America did so. THAT is what is so important about the statues!
#2. First thing Communist, Socialist, Marxist, Nazi Party do after they gain power....remove all statues, religions, artifacts of past achievements of the governments they are replacing.
#3. They decommissioned the police and replaced them with their own form of ´police´ that answered only to them.
The people found they had lost the right to comment, protest harsh treatments, loss of rights.
#4. They then confiscated all arms, all manner of self-defense was outlawed, even arguing with police became harsh prison sentences with beatings routine. People who spoke out simply disappeared, never to be seen or heard from again.
#5. Citizens were given an allowance, just above the bare means to survive, the government took all monies and assigned jobs to people who had no choices where they lived, worked, and even who could be associated with.
#6. And STILL, THIS is the form of government that Progressives, Socialists call Utopian. This is what they want to replace our rights, our sovereignty, our freedoms with!
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