Hi! Credit score of almost 900 here!I've had good credit all my adult life and excellent credit for the last 5 years, and I'm still broke AF.

This is a LIE told by folks who don't understand credit, yet romanticize it as the doorway to escaping poverty. https://twitter.com/khristophersund/status/1275788525208829958
Having great credit is excellent when you're poor. More housing options, lowet interst rates, etc. But if you have no debts to be paid off (or even if you do), having $600K is going to do so much more for you than good credit. No one even checks credit scores when you have MONEY!
My credit score can get me a good interest rate on a car. $600K could be the catalyst that ends cyclical poverty. Cash is king. This ain't as deep as y'all wanna make it out to be.
Anyway... good credit is simple (not easy, but simple) to achieve. Here's how I did it.

1. I got my first credit card at 19. I paid it on time/early every month I keep track of how much I've spent and pay it. I do this by only spending on my CC what I have in my checking acct.
I keep my checkhook balanced. This is important. Even if your checkings balance is depressingly low, you HAVE to know how much money you have to spend, and spend only what ypu can spare on credit cards.
2. Pay your bills on time or early. I have ADHD, so I put the due date for any bills, and a 3 day warning prior, in my planner. When a check comes in, I subtract the amount of any bills due before adding the remaining balance to my checkbook.
3. This is optional, but after 5+ years, get another credit card. I currently have 3. I only use 1 at a time (a different card each month, in rotation). I keep my card balances at $0, paying them off 1-3 days after purchases. This helps my credit reputation.
4. Also optional: only get credit cards that have a rewards system, like cash back or airline miles. If you follow the steps above, you're not having to pay interest on CC purchases AND you get rewards for money you would have spent anyway.
5. I never had student loan debt, but I am familiar with medical and dept. store debts, and evictions in my name. Don't put that off. Call whomever is in charge, set up a payment plan, and stick to it. Many places will remove a large portion of the debt if it's paid off at once.
I say all this to say: good credit is not unachievable. It's actually FAR more feasible for poor people than earning $600K. And, sorry to say it, no one will show up at your house with a bag of money to reward you for having good credit. Always take the money.
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