
It gets a bad rep. Why? It's so close to con artistry that it's natural to see people feel dirty doing it. But I remind you that with knowledge of physics you can create weapons or tools.
The cons usually engage in subtle wealth transfer where they externalize the costs.
Great salespeople let you know they are making a profit off the deal, but show you how your payment will also be profitable for you. I'm noticing a lingering bitter after taste in the mouths of people who were previously betrayed by shady deals.
Sales comes down to what @paulportesi has been hammering for years now. It's about communication through emotions. If you hate it, suck at it, think it's for charlatans, then you haven't really been paying attention. Want to improve? Start by seeing it as a skill set.
Then pay attention to how people sell things. Witness the multichannel broadcasting they engage in. Eventually, you'll develop an ear and a set of eyes for it. You'll see how a good sense of appreciating the art in it is to your benefit. It's how you get a job, a wife, a friend.
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