Detransitioning sounds tough.

Imagine going through the wrong puberty because you didn't have all the information. Imagine hormones changing your body irreversibly & feeling wrong

Oh hey those things also apply to trans folks who couldn't transition early. Weird how that works.
People who detransition are a SMALL margin, but they can't be forgotten. They were the victims of the same things that hurt trans people.

Misinformation, medical gatekeeping, social reconditioning, strict gender norms, transphobia. That shit hurts all of us and it has to stop.
Why do people think a cis person would want to transition? Let's think it out.

From the moment you come out as trans, you can't show any doubt. Not to your family, not to your doctor. If you do they might never see you as your chosen gender. They might deny you hormones or care.
So we have people transitioning who aren't completely 1000% certain that they're trans BECAUSE OF transphobia. BECAUSE they're afraid what will happen if they're wrong and they can't speak openly about it. BECAUSE there are hate groups that would radicalize their story.
And the thing is, if you get on hormones and socially transition and come out to everyone, you're probably trans. Most people wouldn't deal with all that shit if they weren't.

But as society gets more accepting, we are going to see more trans folks and more detransitioners too.
We need MORE open communication about trans issues, not less.

Transphobes want to use detrans people as some ultimate GOTCHA checkmate but they don't really see them as human. They didn't care when those people identified as trans and struggled. They don't care now.
I'm frustrated. I'm frustrated on behalf of detransitioners. I'm frustrated for trans teens that are denied care. I'm frustrated about my own situation, bottling down my own feelings and denying my own happiness until 25 because of all this bullshit.
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