An awesome day at @OmgDsc is over now. Here I'm sharing some of the glimpse of today's great sessions. All of them were awesome đŸ„ł
@DSC_Charusat #dscomg #dsc
< 1 Keynote by Biswajeet Mallik
- He is a community manager at Google
- He explained the 4 Cs to remember
[ Curiosity, Connection, Community and Contribute ]
- Know more about him : http://biswakpl.com  />
< 2 Google Maps with @flutter by @dhuma1981
- His sessions are always amazing. I love to attend his every session. "Knowledge with memes 😂"
- He demonstrated how to embed @googlemaps api in our #flutter app />
< 3 Subtle art of making own apps by @yazzpradzz
"Building apps is the best way to showcase your creative ideas"
- He discussed some factors for app development like Development constraints, Market requirements,App requirements etc
- He described the app development as an art/>
< 4 Building layouts in #Flutter by @ayushshekhar17
- He discussed the way of thinking for implementing a simple to very complex UI in flutter />
< 5 Neumorphic 101 by @ShivendraSaurav
- He displayed the latest #UI trend #neumorphism
- He showed how to design it and also how to implement it
< 6 And the last session on Impactful Communities by @EricaKHanson
- She explained the real meaning of community and how to help each other to make a great community
- All we need is courage to care, solve and share to make impactful #community />
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