Today pvusd board of trustees will be meeting to discuss the district’s contract with the police and cutting funds from EAOP. More info below
This is a super important meeting because now more than ever are rising seniors going to need support with college apps (since yk, they won’t be able to just walk up to a teacher for help) and bc COPS DON’T BELONG IN SCHOOLS.
Here is a link to the page that lists the board of trustees and their contact info: 

And here is a link to the trustee area map if you’d like to contact the trustee that specifically represents your area:
Between 2:00-4:30pm you can call 831-786-2496 and leave up to a 2 minute comment for the board (English or Spanish OK!)
Or you can leave a written comment after 5:45pm here up until the agenda item you’re commenting on is being discussed (agenda item 9.1 is about the budget) This written comment will only be read for 2 minutes so make sure your comment won't be cut off!
And last but not least you can watch the board meeting live at 7pm here:
If you are a current student PLEASE consider contacting the board and leaving a comment. They are really not used to hearing from students so if enough of y'all flood their inboxes it could have a real impact. And please continue to bombard them about the things you care about!
long story short there's like 9 of them and hundreds of you so pls usurp them lol
You can follow @sophizalde.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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