I wish some of my friends would see how the “white victim” and tears is so empowering to paint black peoples as a villain. I’ve had so many “friends” use it against me and people just say— “we’ll not everyone gets along.” And then continue to treat me like the villain (THREAD)(1)
Ex 1. An ex friend of mind got into a huge fight with me. I helped clean their house cause I asked to have a party there. After they were furious for me cleaning the house when they gave me permission— they told eveyone they were scared of me and scared to talk to me.
Ex 2. An ex friend basically tried to get my husband to cheat on me by sending him nudes and clinging to him, keeping me in the dark. When I found out and got furious suddenly they we’re crying and depressed and terrified of me. Somehow they became the victim, getting the benfit
Ex 3. A friend told lies about me to another and when I got mad, they lied and changed the story several times. Then when we met up to work at a con, they brought there father (who we’ve never seen) for protection. Not one person batted a lash. I was very threatened and scared.
Ex 4. Several times have I had to try to have normal conversations and explain why something wasn’t okay to a friend and they’ve BROKEN DOWN in tears over it. Several friends, just for talking about something that upset me.
Ex 5. I’ve been told I was “problematic” or “negative” by people I respect—even though all I do is talk about the issues and have depression. While the people they talk to who are WAY MEANER then me don’t get the same treatment. I’ve always been the scapegoat for problems.
I could go ON AND ON AND ON about the yt-tears have made me the enemy when I previously had NO ISSUES with these people until I wanted to express my upset ness. I very rarely yell and blame myself because of these things. People have always made me the crazy angry one. But why?
There’s nothing I can do to fix the old friendships and I may never trust these people again— but I want people to understand we aren’t crazy. It happens so commonly that people just accept black peoples are violent angry villains and it needs to stop. Period.
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