This is a pretty flipping bleak time in lots of ways isn't it? Feels like we are all fighting on so many fronts just to survive. Making decisions, daily, some of us've never had to make before, about safety, health, cultural & societal responsibility, childcare, careers.. 1/8
Whether we can pay our rent or mortgages, whether we can buy food, how we survive this year, this month, this week, this day. Lots of us in the theatre / arts industries don't know if and when our industry will survive and if we will fit in it. Everything's uncertain. BUT... 2/8
I can tell you, as someone in the temporary privileged position of being paid as a freelance task force member, & therefore able to make time to attend meetings and have conversations, as bleak as it is for theatre right now (and it is, we are the hardest hit industry in UK) 3/8
There are SO MANY PEOPLE working for change. Banging on doors and asking questions and opening their ears and eyes and wanting whatever version of theatre exists now and beyond covid-19 to be better, more equitable, more accessible and more open. I am excited for that 4/8
I am scared that those voices will be lost, or ignored though. So, we need to make it so they can't be. Join @FreelancersMake, connect with your union @EquityUK @bectu, WRITE TO YOUR MP...connect with your local councillors. DM me! 5/8
And if you aren't in the creative industries, but you've read a book, watched a film, listened to music, watched a play, enjoyed a tv series, used creativity to relax, unwind, feel human, then please do the same. Write to your MP. Fight for theatre. Because 6/8
People within theatre are fighting for your right to access it. And if and when it returns, there's loads of us who want it to be for EVERYONE. Including you. Be part of the story. Own it. The government don't think we matter. Let's show them we do. People do. Our stories do. 7/8
Thanks for reading this far if you have. I hope you're doing ok today. Thanks to @FuelTheatre @painesplough @IngoodcoEM @improbable1 @EquityLPNP and all the artists who joined in today's conversations. Lots to be hopeful for, lots to be angry about, lots to fight for. 8/8 END.
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