My motto in life is to leave this world a little better than i found it: my daughter was commenting how she has 3 friends who through educating themselves about the current condition in which this country is at have decided to go against their own parents and speak out on the...
Issues affecting them and their friends. My daughter has been taking debate classes for three years and as a future civic leader (I hope) she takes pride in preaching to those around her about the injustice and corruption the government is currently practicing in the name of
Money and power. She does not argue about what political party is better as they both have qualities and deficiencies. When my daughter talks to her friends she makes sure she has the facts in hand and not a bunch of personal opinions that would only push people away.
As I mentioned recently, we both took an on line class from Harvard in politics and community advocacy. We both learned the parties just like church are not to blame for, rather is the leaders who use their knowledge to push their own agenda. Personally I have voted for both
Parties in the past. Politics is about policies that if use properly can benefit most of us, of course the leader in charge will lean most of the time towards helping his or her constituents. Our goal in general should be to make sure everyone gets some type of benefit
Specially since we all pay our taxes. The current situation with covid has made us realize more than ever how we must help each other as the government will help to a certain extent. My daughter will vote for the first time in 2024 and my only hope is for her to have a good
Understanding on what the constitution is about and how our vote ultimately is what's going to make change for the better. I will never push her to vote for a certain party as we all live in a democratic country and protected by the constitution. I will though, advice her to
Fight for unity, social fairness for everyone and to make sure the constitution stays as always as the guiding light that will keep us all on the same side of history.
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