I’m actually rly tired of people saying suburbs and rich communities “aren’t policed” amd leabing it at that, or acting their alleged lack of policing and ample wealth and infrastructure are the models for a world with less policing.
The location of middle and upperclass policing is what gets many fucked up but policing in poor, urban communities, especially those of color IS their policing. It’s to help them maintain and uphold their power, to protect their assets and position.
Well-funded and rich communities themselves might not get policed in the ways poor ones are, but policing of poor communities specifically those of color is FOR them. That relationship and dynamic is KEY to name.
It’s happen to communities of color specifically impoverished exploited urban and rural ones, but it isn’t policing in OUR communities. They are our abusers, not an aspect of our identity. It is white, especially monied policing happening TO us, at our expense, to THEIR benefit.
We talk about the difference in policing in these communities much like how we talk about privilege, instead of monied communities being something to abolish and understanding they have what they have thru whiteness, colonialism, capitalism, violence etc
We act and see their riches as almost arbitrarily or even positively acquired with no relation to anyone else, and communities of color strictly needing access to those same riches and privileges, as if we can gain that access w/o violence, gatekeeping, hierarchy or exclusion
We do not understand how the spoils of some speaks directly to the exploitation of others, and there’s no simple joining that world as it needs to be destroyed.
There’s a direct parasitic relationship between the structure and riches you see in middle class suburban and rich communities and the lacktherof in ours and it hinges greatly on policing.
There’s a reason why white flight occurs esp after moment of uprisings, civil unrest and financial depressions and suburban myths about stranger danger and masked Black men and antifa supersoldiers persist-they fear whom they have robbed, abandoned and policed.
They require police to further protect them from their own reckoning. If it wasn’t for those police, would we leave those monied classes and regions standing as they do? Absolutely not. And they know this.
AOC’s wack ass got you fucked up. Monied communities ARE NOT the model for less police. We’ve been taught to aspire to them SO much but suburbs are violent, isolated, hyperindividualistic hell holes. They REQUIRE SO MUCH violence to exist. They are the PROBLEM, not the solution
Some clairification re: Different types of suburbs and policing that happens within them https://twitter.com/brujacontumbao/status/1275843560751988739
Also to be clear: Cops obviously do exist and police all communities, they just do so much differently if you are monied and white, and you have a very different relationship! I am just trying to say policing in OTHER communities is *also* their policing
And monied white policing in their communities helps to keep in line/intimidate BIPOC who might find their way into their areas. Black people have been harassed, arrested, assaulted and killed numerous times in their own neighborhood for looking like they “Don’t Belong”
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