we don't talk nearly enough about how dangerous baby prosecutors are. so little perspective with so much power to wreck lives.
like if they were in a big law office representing rich companies they wouldn't be allowed anywhere near a significant decision, but in a State's Attorney's office they'll get to make decisions about 30 poor people's lives a day.
Just to be clear, my point is NOT "more experienced prosecutors clap emojis," it's that the system clearly doesn't care about the thousands of people who flood in and out of misdemeanor court every week like it does, for instance, powerful companies
Prosecutors wield absurd power over people's lives, and that is not acknowledged as illustrated by the fact that deciding who gets sent to a cage is seen as an entry-level gig, but heaven forbid you speak in court on behalf of Boeing
That's not a saveable system. It's one that deserves to be torn down.
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