Nigerian banks have NO set up for the disabled. I went to a bank on the island today(won’t mention) and a guy who has a hearing and speech impairment was treated like crap. I was irritated and didn’t realize when I started yelling.The bank officials were are disgusting

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First the security treated him badly refusing to let him in,till I said something.I wasn’t really surprised by their actions,they’re illiterates and probably didn’t know better, since they didn’t understand sign language,the boy wrote what he wanted a paper and he wrote perfectly
Finally he was allowed in and ushered to the customers care,me expecting better from the educated ones decided to see what the agent will do. First thing she said to the security was “Why do you allow people like this in?”she didn’t even ask the boy the basic “How may I help you”
My blood was boiling at this point but I decided to give her chance to do better and not wanting to say anything yet, instead the idiot did even worse she pushed 500 to the boy and told the security to take him out the boy shakes his head insinuating “No”
Just because people are disabled is no reason to treat them like trash, they are humans like you and I, they have the same rights and deserve to be treated in the same way. That lady is an idiot and I am sure there several like her in other banks in Nigeria
And pushed a paper to her “I would like to open an account,what are the requirements”she didn’t even read it,she just told the security to take him out,at this point I lost it and began yelling in the bank.Imagine if he couldn’t write and read,these idiots would have done worse
Banks need to employ people that can communicate in sign language.. it’s so sad to see people being treated like that.. it brought me to tears and I just had to share it and we as humans also need to do better and not look away when things like are done in front of us.
The reason I didn’t @ the bank is because of the manager who managed the situation well + I am hoping the lady does better next time. This tweet is majorly for the banks to do better and understand that disabled people are same as everyone and make adequate provision for them
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