It's almost as thought when it's something to do with indigenous folks it's just trash to us, but when it's a symbol of our systematic oppression, we need to keep it in place to make sure people know we still care about those "values" today.

Nah. That couldn't be it. 🤔
Anyway I fully expect to see all of you folks who get riled up about statues being removed to do everything you can to prevent this from happening, because I totally believe you when you say it's not racism motivating you.
"Jokes" aside, THIS PLACE WAS THERE 5,000 YEARS BEFORE THE PYRAMIDS IN EGYPT WERE BUILT. Please, take a moment to follow the link, sign the petition, and call the numbers at the bottom.
God. I am so pissed about this I can't even put it into words. We pretend there's no significant history on this continent before us because we bulldoze it all, and once it's gone there's no way to replace it. It's bad enough to wipe a culture out but then we erase it too.
Most of the people yelling "BUT MUH STATUES" probably know little about the past, never worked toward preserving any historical heritage site, and didn't even know who the statues were of before they showed up to attack protestors. Definitely about "history" 🙄
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