I’m real quick gonna go on a lil rant about why you maaaaayyyybe shouldn’t contribute to that random couple’s adoption GoFundMe you saw on Facebook
1 - You do not know if their adoption is ethical and maybe neither do they!

If it’s international research the country and agency. Heads up - Guam, India, Ghana, Haiti the child was possibly kidnapped. Countries with more ethical practices today are Korea, China, Thailand
Foster care, sure go for it though it’s very unlikely anyone will crowdfund for this as foster care adoption is very very inexpensive.
If it’s domestic private look for info on their agency. If they do not have an agency this is considered trafficking everywhere other than Utah.
2 - Realize you are literally investing into someone’s parenting

Do you know these people personally and have any evidence they will be good parents? If no then why the hell would you blindly support their parenting. ESPECIALLY if they are white doing a transracial adoption you
Need to know that they are not adopting this child because they think it would be cool to have a black baby. You NEED to know they plan to honor the child’s culture. You NEED to know they will not take the “colorblind” approach. If there is no evidence of these do not contribute
3 - Are they exploiting this child?

Did they already publicly disclose medical information about this child before they even have custody of them? Ex “This little guy has FASD and Autism so we are gonna need a lot of help!” Are they sharing stories about the child that you would
Not want shared about you? Are they making more money than adoption fees already cost? If they make less than $300,000 a year they will automatically get at least $12,000 in tax credits from the gov after the adoption is finalized even if their whole adoption was crowdfunded
4 - There are much better ways to help these kids

If you really want to help kids, donate that same money to family preservation funds. Adult Adoptees will tell you the best thing that you could have done for them is given their birth mother the resources to keep them. We are
All so willing to donate hundreds or maybe thousands to white, rich, adoptive parents and call them saviors but then not give a dime to preventing these children from needing to be “saved” in the first place. If you put your money towards an adoption you are contributing to
supply and demand and creating MORE DEMAND especially especially especially if it is a Domestic, Private, Healthy, White, Newborn adoption - There is more demand than there will EVER be “supply” of these types of adoptions. So vulnerable women are extorted, trafficked and coerced
Into placing their WANTED children with rich families during a rough patch in their lives. These adoptions are very often a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Put your money towards these women instead.
In conclusion, if a couple is asking for straight donations and not selling a product/providing a service for your money you ABSOLUTELY should be asking these questions because you are literally buying their Family for them and blindly donating is massively irresponsible thx
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