Today sucks. This week sucks. I hate the fact that every time I go on social media it just makes me more depressed.

What a fucking privileged perspective I have.

Women in gaming have lived this nightmare for years. We did virtually nothing.
I’ve talked to a ton of my male friends in the industry over the last 72 hours. Many are fatiguing on social media because all it’s doing is bringing more pain. Trust me, I get it. I feel the same way. But we can’t take the easy way out here.
We have to force ourselves to go back because we need to hear these stories. We need to make sure they know they’re heard. We need to learn so we can act.
Men of gaming: whatever pain we’re feeling this week pales in comparison to everyone speaking up, those who cannot, and every other person in this industry who had to live in a constant state of fear & oppression as a result of the horrible behavior we collectively normalized.
We all contribute to the culture of the gaming industry. We’ve known for a long time that culture is fundamentally broken, but this week we’re getting a glimpse into a truly horrifying impact thereof. Women couldn’t simply log off from that culture - we shouldn’t either.
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