1) This piece about a Minneapolis neighborhood is an example of what frustrates me about coverage of what's happening here & elsewhere. Yes, it will be hard to actually live differently. Fraught. There will be missteps, risk, failures - we'll have to learn from all of that.
2) How about framing this story in that way? Instead of the tone/implication the headline sets that there are already problems so this is probably doomed to fail. Powderhorn Park is a laboratory for social courage right now. Imperfect like every laboratory, every human space.
3) But whatever happens next, something new is being innovated & learning is happening & growth. I know there's social courage & creativity & incubation like this all over the place. We can't rely on journalism as usual to tell this story of our time with vigor & persistence.
cc @courtwrites @amandaripley @dnbornstein @soljourno @SceneOnRadio. Comrades in journalism that addresses what builds up not just what tears down.
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