How can a church help create a more Christian community? 6 ideas

1 Emphasize a doctrine of household

Your home shouldn’t just be a place to eat, stream, & sleep. It’s should be a place of productivity. This takes the form of family discipleship, side hustles, hospitality, etc
2. Emphasize a doctrine of vocation

Your job isn’t drudgery. It’s a ministry and opportunity to bring good to others and glory to God.
3. Emphasize a doctrine of place

Your “place” matters. God has determined to put you when and where you are in history. Trust His wisdom and love where He has put you. Ask, “How can I honor God in this particular place?"
4. Urge Christians to co-op existing programs and third places

Is there a good coffeehouse, gym, or sports program in your community? If so, there is no need to create something new and “explicitly Christians.” Just join what exists. Be salt and light.
5. Urge Christians to start companies in the community

There is incredible culture-making power in businesses run biblically. They bring in jobs and they directly shape the culture of those whom they employ and service. What business is lacking in your community? Start one.
6. Urge Christians to take full advantage of their US citizenship

Paul took advantage of his Roman citizenship. So should Christians. Vote according to a Scripture-shaped conscience. Go to council meetings. Become mayor. Make use of your freedoms for good of the church & others.
P.S. (Obviously, preaching true doctrine and standing against false doctrines of the day. I'm thinking more practically here.)
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