Light is information not obscurity.

I don't think people realise that when they try to weed out the negative aspects of humanity, they, in fact, are simply weeding out humanity.

You can't destroy the negative aspects of intelligence and creativity, such as seeking out unexplored novel and 'taboo' areas of human thought, without destroying all the positive aspects of it as well, such as exploration and connecting of ideas. 2/10
The human being is first mental. By attacking what they consider evil, so that 'dark' thoughts don't become reality, blasphemy hunters are attacking the very essence of human, which is both good and evil. We are not only positive people who only do good things. 3/10
We can't get around to doing good things if we can't wrestle with and figure out what is good.

I would go further to call this 'edge thinking' the backbone of civilization. 4/10
Do you think inventors (not only physical), people who push society forward, who by definition cannot be in the middle but on the edge, are normal? Do you think novel ideas come from people who color inside the lines? 5/10
Do you think you can do away with the people with strange ideas when they are 'negative' but keep all the ones who come up with the 'positive' strange ideas? Do you think you can predict that? Are you all knowing? 6/10
I think that people who are busy casting out the demons among us have more to learn about exploring their own negative aspects (I think a continuous process). If you think something is dark, you don't throw it out and get rid of it. You can't actually. 7/10
You can figure out the best way to deal with it, but you can't do that if you pretend it doesn't exist, if you simply try to destroy it. I see this lesson metaphorically played out over and over in stories humans tell. We are forgetting it. 8/10
Light is information, revelation, not obscurity, denial or repression of what you do not like, either about yourself, or about humanity. 9/10
I'm not advocating for an acceptance of evil, esp of evil actions but saying, from my perspective, that these witch hunters have an error in how they think good and evil operate, busy looking at and trying to control others without understanding of their own 'dark sides'. 10/10
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