In the same way that we’ve been asking too much of the police, we’ve been asking too much of the free market.

Private business has one purpose: to make money.

That’s it. That’s the only purpose. And it’s a good purpose!

But when the public sector is weak, it dumps all its responsibilities onto the private sector. It doesn’t work, and it isn’t fair to anybody.

Business is only good at making money. But we expect it to take care of every aspect of our lives, and it doesn't work.

Making sure people have healthcare? Business.

Parental leave & childcare? Let business figure it out.

Responsibly protect the environment? Business can be in charge of that.

Decide whether people should wear masks during a global pandemic? Now that’s business’ job, too.

If you want a strong private sector that doesn’t exploit people, you can't do that without a strong public sector.

We've been relying on the free market for too much.
Capitalism has become toxic because we’ve been expecting it to solve problems it could never solve.

Let the free market do the thing it is good at: making money.

But all the other things we've been expecting business to take care of, we gotta take on ourselves. Protecting ourselves from being exploited by the free market is going to make us all more free in the end.
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