So new #brexit IT systems alert...the EU-UK future relationship cmme was told yesterday that the Govt's new border management computer is in the "specification" is called GVMS. Listen from 11.08.56... /1
It's called the Goods Vehicle Movement Service (GVMS) and will be the system by which companies can "pre-lodge" their customs forms before hitting the border - the French has a system called SI Brexit which is already tested.../2
Alex Veitch of Freight Transport Association @newsfromfta said the system will be "critical" to running the border...but that the FTA only heard of the details "in the last week or two"....let's hope @HMRCgovuk computer geeks or contractors are on top of their game /3
Tim Reardon, the head of EU exit for the Port of Dover @Port_of_Dover said the timeframes are "not impossible" but that there needs to be clarity on what data inputs are needed to ensure that the system had a "fighting chance of doing what it is needed to do" /4
He then with *glorious* cheek suggested that the simplest answer might be to buy into the French, which has been tested. Zut alors!

"If HMRC were to buy a license for the French system, that would be a very simple thing to do and traders would like it.” /5
More seriously, say transport types, once the "specification" is agreed, the issue will be the "interface" - ie how companies input data in what is essentially a system to connect them with the 'back end' of HMRC customs system /6
The other missing piece of puzzzle, said Mr Reardon, was how truckers will be told where to go on landing in Dover/UK - the French system has computer screens in Ferry lounges indicating green (go) or orange (inspect) for each truck. Not clear if UK system will do same? /7
There is also a six month grace period which @michaelgove announced last week to relief of haulage and logistics types - tho need to be cautious that companies don't take that as another 'do nothing' period, so you just push back the cliff to July 2021. /8
Of course none of this refers to the Irish Sea 'border' that is upcoming - but still to be specified, and which groups like @MichaelAodhan NI Retail are crying out for operational details - which might come next month. /9
As always with these things, it's NOT just making it work, BUT getting companies to learn how to work it that is the tricky part.

Lots of adjustment, tho because you'll need to pre-declare to board ferries, and a importer at the other side - the adjustment will be forced ENDS
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