Heavy emphasis on Iran, including calling out Iran's Al Qaeda ties: "Tehran also continued to permit an al-Qa’ida (AQ) facilitation network to operate in Iran"
Also calls out Iran's proxy warfare in "Bahrain, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen" as well as $700 million to Hezbollah/Hamas.
Glad to see emphasis on white supremacist terrorism, a change in official rhetoric we are seeing elsewhere in US gov't. "The threat posed by racially or ethnically motivated terrorism (REMT), particularly white supremacist terrorism, remained a serious challenge."
This seems like a bland throwaway line--"The United States also played a major role in building our partners’ capabilities to detect, disrupt, and dismantle terrorist networks"--but this is vital for successful counterterrorism.
Wasn't really expecting a change on Sudan, but to see it listed as a sponsor of terrorism while noting "the Sudanese government continued to pursue counterterrorism operations alongside regional partners" still strikes me as odd. (While Pakistan is not listed).
But report at least notes: "Pakistan remained a safe harbor for other regionally focused terrorist groups."
Overall, rather bland on ISIS -- not declaring victory, but not playing up a continued threat in a major way as other sources have done. Suggests shifting of concern by professionals even though the group and its provinces/networks will take up a lot of bandwidth.
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