The president was not censored.

His comment was posted to a platform run by business, not government, and under terms of service to which he agreed.

His comment was flagged by business responding to market pressures and without government.

Exactly as Republicans demand.
Trump is an ignorant fool given to bombastic and inflammatory rhetoric because that's who he is.

But @GOPLeader McCarthy certainly knows better. His comment is pure malfeasance and there's no doubt he can see the irony of freely posting such on the very platform he maligns.
As I've previously noted -- and as someone who makes a living from social media and spends an unhealthy amount of time on these platforms -- Facebook, Twitter, et al are ingrained facets of our lives.

And that will only increase.

Those isolated from social media are being left behind, socially, emotionally, financially, information and education wise.

Business is increasingly social media based. Those that can't manage social media are failing, those that can are global. Like me.
We've become invested. We can't go back.

Blocking, Banning, Deplatforming can have very, very real consequences.

It can kill a business. It can kill people -- See the YouTube Headquarters shooting et al.

And worse.

Technology always has both benefit and bane.

For all it's benefits, social media has ALSO become a boon for what were once isolated extremists, for terrorism, for hate groups, for crime, etc.

And for hateful and divisive politics.

These platforms are run by children, or near enough. Billionaire Dudebros who never advanced beyond college freshmen compsci nerds -- ironically the LEAST socially adept of society.

And by and large they have refused to take responsibility for their platforms.

They never voluntarily will, outside of a few paltry efforts like flagging the occasional bit of Trump's hate speech or refusing the most extremist of political ads.

They have no experience with responsibility. Or any desire.

They won't remove the bots, the trolls, the racists, or the harassers. Because those are profitable.

And because the lawyers won't let them -- wisely so. Because that would open them up to massive litigation.

They'll never clean up their platforms on their own.

I've said for a long time, we're going to need regulation.

Even if that regulation is nothing more than requiring platforms to enforce their own bare minimum rules equally across the board. No exceptions.

I.e. If I posted what Trump posted, I'd get suspended. AND HAVE.

And so, we come full circle to @GOPLeader Kevin McCarthy.

You can't demand free market solutions and then complain when the unregulated market deplatforms YOU.

Well, you *can*, but that pretty much makes you a fool, doesn't it?

If the GOP Leader and those Republicans like him want a more fair, more accessible, social media that treats everybody the same way and operates like a utility, it will require government regulation.

THAT is Kevin McCarthy's job.

Something he has so far refused to do.

Also: in a tweet laden with irony, "citizens have a right to hear directly from their President and decide for themselves what to think about it" is staggering in its hypocrisy coming as it does from a guy who was outraged when Obama addressed the nation's school children.

This should have been attached to the thread. Fixing.
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