'Tis a great and glorious day.

DC Court of Appeals just kicked Judge Sullivan right in his fat ass and told him to get moving and DISMISS THE FLYNN CASE
Soon @GenFlynn will be free to tell his story. https://twitter.com/breeadail/status/1275797080091570182?s=20
The reason this says the writ mandamus is only being granted "in part" is because @SidneyPowell1 had requested the DC Court of Appeals **take the case away** from Judge Sullivan & give any further hearings/decisions to another judge.

DC CoA opted not to do that.
Sullivan's got 3 ways to go:

1. Follow the higher court's order & grant the DOJ's motion to dismiss the Flynn case

2. Demand a full en banc review by the DC Court of Appeals [this was heard by a 3 judge panel]

3. Pretend the ruling wasn't made today, see how long he can go.
Given this is such a high profile national case, he's very likely going to demand a full en banc review by the full DC Court of Appeals.

I don't think he just sits and stubbornly refuses to move until the higher court takes the case away from him.
Soon @SidneyPowell1 and @molmccann will be filing with the court to get this new exculpatory evidence that Jensen found unsealed.
AG Barr in early January appointed US Attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri Jeffrey Jensen to be the DOJ's Special Prosecutor to investigate Flynn case shenanigans by both the FBI's Crossfire Hurricane Team **and** the Mueller Special Counsel Team.
In case you don't know what Jensen looks like, he's the gentleman on the bottom row here in this meme I made months ago, with the red box around his picture.
After Barr tapped him to be the DOJ's Special Investigator into the matter of the Flynn case, Jensen **quietly** went into the US Attorney's Office for Washington DC last January.

Why did he go there?

Because that's the office the Mueller Special Counsel team was using.
Brandon Van Grack & the team of Mueller Special Counsel prosecutors handling the Flynn case were working out of the DC US Attorney's office [DC USA's office].

Jensen went in there & found all the exculpatory evidence they'd been hiding from the Flynn defense & the Court.
It was April 24, I think it was, that Jensen suddenly surfaced and handed off a bunch of sealed documents to the Flynn defense team, which were unsealed in just a few days and then the Flynn case was blown wide open because the documents clearly showed Flynn was framed.
A few days later Jensen handed off MORE exculpatory documents he'd found that the Mueller Special Counsel team has been suppressing. Van Grack was long gone by that time, having resigned immediately after the revelation of the first batch of exculpatory documents.
Then about 3 weeks ago if I recall aright it was revealed that Jensen, having cleaned up the Mueller Special Counsel end of the evidence suppression pipeline, was heading into FBI HQ to investigate there and see what he could dig up from the FBI's end of this criminal conspiracy.
Most of you will only remember that due to FBI Director Christopher Wray producing a letter in which he swore eternal fealty to AG Barr & USA EDMO Jensen as he vowed there would be full & complete cooperation with Jensen's investigation.
So I knew this was coming. I knew Jensen was going to find more evidence inside the FBI HQ.

He pretty much knows what he's looking for, just as he did when he went into the DC USA's office because 1 or more of these SpyGate plotters have flipped.
And it's being claimed the new documents that Jensen delivered to the Flynn defense have been unsealed and oh my God, it appears it was VICE PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN HIMSELF who brought up the idea of using THE LOGAN ACT to go after Flynn.

h/t: @NataliaNatga
So...how many people saw THAT plot twist coming, that it was the Vice President himself in that early January meeting with Obama, Susan Rice, Yates, Comey that first floated the idea of using the LOGAN ACT as a pretext to keep investigating Flynn?
Not to mention that Obama and Biden are BOTH directing and involving themselves in an investigation of the incoming NSA of the president-elect. https://twitter.com/chiIIum/status/961290141586329600?s=20
Here's @JoeBiden **insisting** back on May 14 that he played no part whatsoever in any investigation of @GenFlynn and he goes further to say he had no **knowledge** of any such investigation.

Please listen: https://twitter.com/rising_serpent/status/1275818094951358465?s=20
Biden spitballing at the early January meeting and giving the FBI Director ideas about "here's how you can investigate this guy, let Uncle Joe show you the way!" was exactly the plot twist that SpyGate needed right now.
Now stop for a moment and embrace the airtight security here. I don't think Jensen just stumbled over this a few days ago.

DOJ has known for some time that both Obama & Biden directly inserted themselves into launching a new investigation of Flynn based on the Logan Act.
And it didn't leak.

The process worked.

Jensen handed this off when he was supposed to, it was declassed & unsealed in orderly fashion.

Imagine being able to sit on this for days, weeks, months without it LEAKING.
Imagine the effect this has on the presidential campaign of Joe Biden, that he's now been caught lying **AGAIN**, this time insisting he played no role in investigating Flynn & also claimed he didn't even have any **knowledge** that such an investigation was going on.
Here's another clip of @JoeBiden lying his ass off about not knowing a thing about the FBI's investigation into President Trump's incoming NSA: https://twitter.com/ArthurSchwartz/status/1275829255222550529?s=20
Note even as both President Obama & Vice President Biden are directing him as to how to investigate President-elect Trump's incoming NSA @GenFlynn, Comey wants it on the record the Flynn/Kislyak calls are 'legit'. https://twitter.com/adamhousley/status/1275838863827546112?s=20
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