I have so little faith it will get better. Gove&Gibb closed down a range of national and regional support services and centres between 2010 and 2013. They were adamant that these were quangos and that the money would go straight to schools. They shut down websites and destroyed
high quality/QAd/DFE funded free resources.The same people, in some cases, calling for this are now leading the new centres of excellence, reinventing wheels and pushing a pedagogy in a way that Ministers want. They are in some cases in receipt of vast sums of public monies
I have sat on both sides of the DFE table in terms of presenting tenders/appointments. I know intimately the high ethical standards by which we worked. IMO to use CV19 as an excuse to lower these standards is unconscionable.I have no dog in this fight.Only Transparency & fairness
Yesterday some of us were told to butt out as we are no longer teachers. To get off the road to let others do the work. Apparently some of my colleagues were referred to as ‘sad fuckwits.’ So the next time I am asked for MFL advice/support/resources for free. I am not a teacher
I apologize for this somewhat emotional thread for me. I know people prefer the funny, self deprecating quips, the cats, the shoes, even the challenges at times but sometimes we all need to stand up and be counted. This is one of those times.
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