I think we are all really fucking angry and frustrated at the current state of the streaming industry.

I've been thinking about how to channel that anger and frustration into positive change that can benefit everyone.

We need to talk about unionisation.
Collective bargaining is an extremely powerful tool, but streaming is a global, decentralised industry, and makes it very difficult to feel like there is any possibility of organised, collective power.

People are rightly terrified that if they complain, they will be replaced.
However, if we are able to get a critical mass of streamers on board - we would have the leverage to not simply complain about all of the fucked shit that happens in our industry - but actually DEMAND systemic changes be made at the top level.
Legally, I am sure it is difficult to set up an international union for streamers - but collective power exists regardless of legal structure.

Twitch is not the largest streaming platform in the world because it has the best features or tools.

It is because it has us.
Organisation is key.

Individually, we are easily ignored and ostracised. If we come together and say "change this fucking shit or we will have a global blackout for a week" - they will care.

They don't give a fuck about our lives or culture, but they care about their money.
Imagine that we go to Twitch with a list of demands that we have. Things that NEED to be changed.

We could:

- create an ethics committee with teeth that independently reviews fucked up content/behaviour - no more preferential treatment because of the ol' company bottom line.
- create a Code of Conduct that we actually WANT to see implemented on the platform, rather than the current confusing mess that's only really cares about protecting advertisers.

- demand control over channel monetisation! Twitch has changed over the years, we never had a say!

We could demand that union negotiations are live-streamed. That would keep the words of both union officials and Twitch higher-ups on public record.

There would actually be some direct accountability.

Imagine that.
These are just some ideas that I have - I am sure many of you will have countless more.

Let us all exercise our right to stand together and say FUCK YOU, FIX THIS.
So the question becomes well... how do we do this? And I unfortunately do not have all the answers, but I do have some thoughts.

We will need resources. We will need numbers. We will need streamers, community members, moderators, twitch staff - we need you all on board.
If we want a better environment for everyone, we cannot rely on Twitch to create it for us.

Change begins from the bottom - we can force the hands of those at the top.
We need legal experts, community managers, game developers, everyone with passion and relevant experience to do what they can, and contribute positively to the conversation. We all have a part to play.

Let us capitalise on our anger!
We need to form a committee of people who can speak for all of us and negotiate with Twitch directly. This committee absolutely NEEDS to be diverse.

It needs to consist of large streamers, small streamers, it needs to be gender diverse, as well as racially diverse.
If we do not select diverse representation, minorities will not be protected effectively.

With the size of Twitch globally, there are guaranteed to be strong advocates from all kinds of backgrounds.

We will need to compromise with each other and negotiate in good faith.
These people will be responsible for creating documentation of our demands. They will need to translate our wishes for a safer, fairer, better place into action.

This is going to be challenging.

They will need to be supported.
Be an advocate.

We may need to stand together and take action to assert our rights.

Now is the time to do so.
There are many details that need to be hashed out.

I ask people to come forward with their ideas, and to engage in positive discussion.
We need to think about who can advocate for us most effectively.

If you have a large voice, you can do your part by pushing the movement. You will be represented. You will not have disproportionate representation. That is a good thing, as it will help prevent abuses of power.
At the end of the day - if Twitch was unwilling to compromise - we can publicly make our demands to the world.

I heard a lot of industry experts were made recently unemployed.

"Any takers?"
I've been getting a few people asking me about the legal implications of this.

Sadly, I am not a lawyer. But I do not believe we need a legally formalised union in order to do something like this.

Lawyers, hit me up.
Alright so, organisation.

I've set up a discord server so that we all have a place to grow this thing.

I urge you all to join and contribute to the discussion. If this thing gains enough momentum, it might just work. https://discord.gg/gtpt2e 
You can follow @derriskharlan.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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