🎸THAT Sells for WHAT?? 🎸

Another 🔥 FLIP

🎸Stretch Your Fingers

🎤 Warm up the Vocs

🥁 Dust off the Sticks

🔥 Because Today We’re Talking Guitar Hero and RockBand Flips 🔥
🤔 Did You Know, All Things Guitar Hero and RockBand Sell Incredibly Well?

🎸 PS3/Xbox 360/Wii All Had Versions of the Games

🎸 With as Many as 4 People Playing at 1 Time, There are LOTS of Guitars, Drums, Mics out in the “Wild”

🎸 Most Have No Idea they STILL Carry Value 🤑
👀 Once You Find Some

🤔 You’ll Want to Test Them

🎮 Sticky Buttons, Broken Pedals

🍀 Luckily, the Game is still Fun!

(I usually have a copy for each system, for just these reasons)

...the missing ‘Dongle’ 😱

☣️ Wireless Guitars NEED a Dongle

😭 Often, Sadly, it is Missing

🧐 If They Simply Dont Have it...

...You MUST Disclose This

(Rare Sighting of one Below 🦓)
✍️ Your Listing Should Include ✍️

👉 Which Game (Guitar Hero/RockBand)

👉 System (Xbox/PlayStation/Wii)

👉 It’s TESTED! (Buyers ❤️ This)

(👇 Nice Example Below 👇)
🚢 Shipping 🚢

😃 Some Guitars Come Apart...

...Some Don’t...😔 If it Requires

🛠Screwdriver, I Leave it Alone ❌

(🧟‍♂️See my Frankenbox Thread🧟‍♂️)
🥁 What About the Drums??? 🥁

🥁Part Out or Sell Whole? 🧐

🥁Unless it’s Broken, I Sell Whole

🥁It’s a Pain to Ship...

🥁But They Can Go for Big $$$

(Especially if you Bundle Everything)

✏️ Go to Facebook Marketplace and Search “Guitar Hero” or “RockBand”

✏️Try Out Your New Found Knowledge!

✏️ Any Good Deals in Your Area?

😃 If You Found This Info Helpful, Feel Free to Retweet and SHARE!

-Dr. Flip ✌️

(PS, I ❤️ Seeing Good Finds Below)
You can follow @DoctorFlip.
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