I’m rethinking my uni classes for fall (I’m predicting 100% online across US, just wait). Here’s what I’m thinking:
1) More short response to prompt/article assignments
2) Creative output assignments: Making Tiktoks
3) Far more flexible deadlines
4) Lecture but less material, more time for Q+A, preset ?’s at end of each class OR good prompt for next class
5) 5 mins at end of each class for “How are we today?” OR chance for students to share funny links/memes (a breather)
6) Open office hrs vs set time
7) Regular emails telling students about campus resources (mental health, financial aid, food)
8) More regular email check ins w students, cannot do in person, need to create a safe virtual space
9) Once every 2-3 weeks a “fun” class where I give tours of sites in Egypt
(Fun will be needed to keep students engaged AND they learn AND it’s good for *me*)
Yes I know tons out there on online pedagogy BUT nothing for “teaching during pandemic w massive collective trauma” so we have to adapt+ be compassionate.
These are just ideas, I welcome yours. We can all learn from each other. Our students deserve it. ♥️
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