Last night was a huge night for young Black progressives: Bowman, Jones, and Torres all seem to be heading to Congress

AND ALSO Biden-- not young, not Black, not lefty progressive-- opens up a huge lead in latest NYT poll

Dems are learning to walk & chew gum at the same time
I think this reflects a genuine change in progressive strategy. Bernie popularized their message, but he wasn't the right messenger. Now, the movement is elevating younger, more diverse messengers to build a new generation of leaders fro the ground up-- the AOC effect
AND ALSO, with Bernie firmly out of the race, progressives have moved away from the Bernie-or-Bust mentality that pervaded the summer of 2016. Reasons for this: Trump, Biden has been smart abt outreach, and progressives are focusing on growing new leaders rather than punching up
I think it also confirms that AOC and @justicedems are the new leaders of the progressive left.

Their model-- running young, compelling progressives of color against absent/uninspiring Dem incumbents in a blue areas-- has led to more progressive wins than any other strategy
Finally, I think there's an important emotional shift happening in the progressive movement rn. More welcoming, less cult-of-personality

It's more "here are all these great people who can build a better future" and less "anybody who isn't Bernie Sanders is a fraud"
Bernie himself is an important part of this shift. He was very generous with endorsements this primary, and funneled money and support to candidates who maybe hadn't been exactly aligned with him before
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