We have a little thread for you that starts off cute, then gets VERY SERIOUS in the middle, and then ends up cute again. It's a real rollercoaster of emotions for a Wednesday lunchtime.

Are you ready?

Here we go.

We were made aware of a wonderful little guy called Grayson, who takes bin bags and a litter picker on his walks every day.
On one of these walks, Grayson came across some fly-tipping.

It's fair to say the sight of this dumped rubbish turned our 8 year-old hero in to a kind of miniature-Hulk.
When he got home, Grayson designed this poster.
Here commences the


Please bear with us through the following few tweets.
I mean, look at these photos of Doncaster.

Sure, it's usually pretty much like paradise anyway, but how idyllic is this?
For a while, it was possible to gaze in to the waters of Lakeside and imagine you were in the Maldives*

*were it not for the faint sound of the M18 in the background.
We have a genuine, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to use #coronavirus as a chance to undo so much of the environmental damage that has been done for decades.

To make new habits.

To do better.
This photo was taken just a 100m or so away from those beautiful, clean waters at Lakeside.

Please, dispose of your rubbish properly. Have some respect for the planet, and don't waste this incredible opportunity.

It's literally one of the only positives #coronavirus has given us.
Right, now we've done our shouting, let's finish off with:

As a little thank you to Grayson, we have designed up his drawing as a proper council poster, and it looks ACE.
So, in the word of our amazing 8 year-old environmental guru:

Stop! Think!

Stop littering, change the world.
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