Late last night I received an apology from someone I had a huge argument with 9 years ago.
She was my closest friend at school. We lived across the hall from each out our freshman year and decided to be roommates for sophomore year. Biggest mistake for our friendship since I ended up moving out after the first semester and we never spoke again until last night.
The fight was bad... horrible, awful things were said that have haunted me for years and although I’ve told to story to a handful of people I’ve never truly expressed how deeply it affected me.
I was already broken and that pushed me over the edge. I spent the first half of that next semester in a dark place. I ate alone, I had no one close to hang out with, I was going through the motions and barely getting by in my classes.
I wanted to quit at the beginning, and tried to but then received the “I’m not mad, I’m disappointed” speech from my dad who convinced me to stick it out.
I spent most of my time watching Netflix and neglecting my schoolwork. And then one day I got an invite to a Sorority Social Tea from a girl I had one class with the previous year. Not something I would normally attend but apparently I was feeling needy for human contact.
That girl saved me. I joined a sorority, I joined the rugby team, I suddenly had so many people to be friends with I didn’t know what to do with myself. And wow, I hate people.
Anyway, that girl is now my best friend. I stood up with her at her wedding, we make the five hour journey MSP to MKE to spend a handful of weekends together, she’s the first person to know everything and she’s always there for me.
Well, happy Wednesday, I’m crying now. Good things come from shitty situations and it’s never too late to apologize. Be a good friend today.
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