The notion that immigrants - Black immigrants included - are so hard working makes me laugh. SoFlo is probably second only to New York in the density & variance in immigrant population & after working alongside immigrants I can say y'all excell in greed, indolence & ability 1/x
to collude with one another.

I used to be "we all Black". It was then I used to wonder how in the hell they were able to work two and three full time jobs. It doesn't make sense. In a 24hr business the schedules are normally 0800 - 1630, 1530- 2400 & 2300 - 0800. Basically 2/x
the three shifts overlap each other thus making it impossible, especially when factoring in traffic, to make it from one job to the next on-time. Eventually I figured out it was extreme nepotism. Immigrants would move into management & those of their ethncities would be given 3/x
customized schedules to account for their multiple jobs. At first that didn't bother me. After a while, tho, I got frustrated b/c I would always arrive to work and fix their mistakes b/c they were so exhausted from their multiple jobs that they fucked up all the time. I would 4/x
arrive to work early b/c the Nigerian working the night shift was sleep and, indeed, when I walked into the department he'd be knocked out. The Haitians I used to work with thought they were slick, like I didn't know they were taking one hour lunch breaks to sleep in the 5/x
the room with the door locked. Story after story of subpar work and inability to do their jobs throughout the diaspora. I never said anything, that is, until they started to enforce ethnic boundaries and keep me out of their lil networks. I had bills too! I used to try 6/x
to get my schedule altered so I too can have multiple checks comming in. I would ask coworkers to hook me up with their friends in management. You know, the same coworkers that I'd cover for, change my schedules for and quietly fix their mistakes so they wouldn't get fired, 7/x
those assholes. And each and every time I was blocked. I said on here the diaspora can be worse than American southern racists and the diaspora got all in their feelings. But I said what I said. You don't have to burn a white cross garbed in a white robe to be anti Black 8/x
American. I'd come to work 5 mins late every now and then and be written up but my immigrant coworkers, with multiple jobs and **already** customized schedules, would arrive a whole hour late and nothing would be said to them. After a while the people I worked with would be 9/x
like "oh, you've changed. You used to be so nice". Yeah, I got tired of being used, working three times as hard to fix your mistakes and account for your extreme tardiness while you simultaneously make sure you and your ethncity are the only ones with the hookup. 10/x
A Jamaicain-British friend of mine calls them pack rats b/c they come over here with the mentality of taking as much as they can. This particular friend of mine is now going through an Indian takeover at her job. And Indian moved into management and within a year the 11/x
he's hired so many Indians she feels like she's working in little India & now she's looking for lawyers b/c he's actively discriminating against her. It's more than pack rating tho. Their like invasive species disrupting the native habitat with their extreme tribal behavior. 12/x
How we got into a space where immigrants can come to America, be tribal and exclude ADOS from the economy while taking advantage of Affirmative Action is beyond me!! I blame Pan-Afrikanism for this bullshit. 13/x
West Africans should shut up & fix their Wi-Fi!

#AggressiveMimicry #FixYourWifi #FundIce
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