To be sure, many are not receiving critical care during the pandemic. But zoom out, and perhaps the big pause was the only way to quantify what we already intuitively knew – our system relies on wasteful healthcare. Much harder: building the better system.
This same story plays out for other goods and services. I'm very curious how consumption will change. What do you really need? What can you do without? I find it hard to believe that everyone just goes back to how we lived before.
After 3 months of cooking for a household of 4, I was thrilled to get our first takeout a few weeks ago. But we have not even come close to the same levels of eating out/takeout, and I can't figure out why. Making a mental note to support our local restaurants.
I also left nearly all of my summer clothes in Brazil as we were to return in April. (Doh!) Despite online clothing discounts, I have just figured out how to make do with what I have. Maybe I'm an outlier, but I think pent up demand might be countered by a shift in behavior.
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