Reflecting on Health and people unit noting it is for the most part a “white man” topic. I’ve started to correct this with more female voices. Now trying to prevent misconceptions that there weren’t people of colour in medical field so adding more examples to enrich it. (1)
First up is Dr Charles R Dew who helped to further improve blood preservation & storage helping to develop blood banks

He helped run the “Blood for Britain” programme during WW2. Helping to brocade the UK with donated blood from the US which collected blood from 15,000 people(2)
Next is Dr John Alcindor, who 1st looked at link between poverty, low quality food & poor health

In 1914, he was prevented from helping in WW1, despite need for doctors. Instead, he joined Red Cross & helped wounded soldiers at London railway stations on return from frontline(3)
For public health & provision before NHS you could look at Dr Dr Harold Moody

He graduated top of his class but couldn’t get a job so he set up his own practice & offered free health service to poor families. Then opened it up to black people who couldn’t find a room or meal(4)
Taught about Constantine the African for old SHP but have continued to highlight him & how during Middle Ages he emigrated from North Africa, noted how Italian medical knowledge was limited & translated the work of Arabic doctors into Latin helping spread medical knowledge (5)
To show how far surgery had come in the 1800s you could use Dr Daniel Hale Williams who was an African America doctor who performed one of the first successful open heart surgeries. He also set up the first African American owned hospital buts is staff & patients were integrated
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