What if neither 🇨🇳 or 🇺🇸 develop the #COVID19 vaccine? What if it's another country?

It will illustrate a how "Middle Powers" are often the "glue" of global order

As he states: "In the absence of credible great-power leadership from the United States or China, middle powers—including France, Germany, and the United Kingdom, among others—have led the way in coordinating health and economic responses."
But @dadakim pointed out that it's not so simple as "Women Leaders --> Lower COVID19 deaths". Instead, it's about the "type of country that chooses female leaders" https://twitter.com/dadakim/status/1272269882868985856
In this case, the "type of country" appears to be "middle powers" -- New Zealand, Germany, Taiwan, and Denmark.

Though it also includes small/micro-states like Sint Maarten, where Silveria Jacobs received praise for a VERY "no nonsense" message
How "Middle Powers" can play this role is illustrated by Denmark's leadership in post-Cold War @NATO expansion https://twitter.com/ProfPaulPoast/status/1164641339453202443
So what do we know, in general, about Middle Powers?
The role of Middle Powers in international politics has been of interest to scholars for a long time. Indeed, one of the first papers published in @IntOrgJournal was on the topic

According to the article, middle powers are non-great powers states “which are capable of exerting influence in international affairs in specific instances, [which] differentiates them from all the rest”.
Its clear that the states mentioned above are "exerting influence" in #COVID19 treatment (and even a cure).

This is why charts like this one keep garnering attention: a grouping of middle powers are outperforming a great (or "super") power https://twitter.com/McFaul/status/1275596616963985409
Of course, that doesn't mean middle powers will be able to continue exerting influence long term.

For instance, @HelenHet20 in @EngelsbergIdeas lays bare the global challenges facing EU member states long term & how #COVID19 heightened those challenges https://engelsbergideas.com/essays/geopolitics-of-a-pandemic/
In sum, if a vaccine comes from a middle power, it will be a vivid illustration of how they can influence international affairs & frequently are the "glue" holding together the global order.

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