I am reading a book on Shivaji and I want to share an episode with you all. Many, most probably know about it yet I am writing it. Happy reading.
After the AdilShahi became weak and Shivaji had captured a large part of the Adil Shahi kingdom,Badi Begum(eldest wife of Adil Shah
was furious at Shivaji and wanted to win back all the territories he had taken over,however no one in the court was ready to accept the 'PAAN' she had elaborately laid out.This actually symbolised the acceptance of the challenge to defeat Shivaji.Afzal Khan an arrogant Subedar
of the Bijapur court accepted the 'Paan' and loudly proclaimed that he would not only defeat the 'Maratha Rat' but also drag him to court.Badi Begum was pacified and Afzal Khan began his campaign.When news reached Shivaji he too began planning to save Swaraj and himself.
Wai was Khan's jagir and Shivaji was sure tht he would stay there till the monsoon receded.Shivaji backed off into the fort of Jawali and decided to pull the Khan onto his own territory for the deciding battle. Jawali was difficult terrain and had dense jungles around it.
At that time Shivaji was battling a private battle too,his first wife Saibai was on her death bed. As expected the Khan descended on the Marathas with a mighty army and proceeded to ravage the countryside.Shivaji had asked his vassals to surrender before d Khan and join him too.
Shivaji.He did not stop at that,next he destroyed the temple at Pandharpur and Vithoba idol was also not spared.The Khan was a brute,he knew that Tulja Bhawani was Shivaji's family deity,so he decided 2 ransack the temple ad desecrate d idol to aggravate news spread like wildfire
But Shivaji did not leave Jawali or take any foolish step.Meanwhile he lost Saibai,yet had no time to mourn her properly. In d battle of will d Khan lost patience first and sent Krishnaji Bhaskar for talks to Jawali.This was what Shivaji had been expecting all along.
He sent Pantaji Gopinath a shrewd statesman with a letter to d Khan and also some valuable gifts.The greedy Khan now became impatient to lay hands on all the treasures under Shivaji. So he agreed 2 come to Jawali to talk about settlements,in reality he had plans 2 capture Shivaji
Shivaji knew d Khan would betray him,so he made careful plans.He allowed d Khan to enter Koyna Valley with a massive army,d Khan had no idea that his army had been surrounded from all sides as soon as he entered d valley.His greed was getting d better of him,all he could think..
about was all the wealth that would come into his hand after defeating Shivaji.He was a massive man and only brought Syed Banda as his bodyguard,whereas Shambhaji Kavji and Jiva Mahala with him.After the customary greetings,all 3 stepped outside.D Khan invited Raje forward
and held him in a bear hug,at d same time he took out his hidden dagger and tried to stab Raje but Raje had worn an armour below his shirt and thus was not injured.Simultaneously Raje tore open d Khan's stomach with his 'Wagh Nakh'.In spite of this d Khan hit Shivaji which broke
This was a decisive win for Swaraj and now Raje had become a force not to be taken lightly.Even though the Khan was mighty yet minute planning and indominatible spirit helped Shivaji win the battle against the mighty Afzal Khan.
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