An important thread on the amount of data we willingly hand over to corporations without our consent and even our knowledge. iOS is shining a light on more shady practises and I’m soo glad they’re giving uses more choice and they have been for a while now 👏👏
My #security philosophy is fairly straight forward, prefer opt-in for services where needed and restrict / block everything else. I restrict location data even on iOS (no frequently visited places recorded) but use Swarm and opt-in for the check-ins / journaling.
Tools are also key here 1Blocker / PiHole / Ghostery as a minimum, and Safari / Firefox have a lot of good #AntiTracking features. Moving emails for orders out of gmail is a big one too (you might enjoy a Google collected purchase history, I do not:
Another thing to note is switching search engine to something like  which 99% of the time finds what I’m looking for but with the huge bonus that it doesn’t track you.
Apps are a source of data leakage / tracking and where possible I’ll use a website (I say while Tweeting from Twitter iOS). I’m a web eng so it ties nicely in my belief that more web / PWA is a good thing all around after all websites truely are for everyone, an open platform.
You can follow @mattjbones.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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