1. No writing is a waste of time. You can't edit nothing. #TenThingsAboutWriting
2. lf you only write when you're in the zone, you'll never write. #TenThingsAboutWriting
3. If writing is your job, treat it like any other job, by which I mean don't let yourself off, just get on with it. #TenThingsAboutWriting
4. Having written is one of the greatest feelings in the world, but actual writing is painful, and in many different ways. Acknowledge it, accept i, get on with itt. #TenThingsAboutWriting
5. In order to be a good writer you need to be a good editor. #TenThingsAboutWriting
6. You're competing for people's time. Entertain them. #TenThingsAboutWriting
7. Long descriptions of places are almost always boring. #TenThingsAboutWriting
8. Almost nothing is beyond humour. Find the humour, or be boring. #TenThingsAboutWriting
9. Take your writing seriously, don't take yourself seriously. #TenThingsAboutWriting
10. Help other writers whenever and wherever you can. #TenThingsAboutWriting
11. Never, ever, be without the means to record a thought, and when a thought occurs, record it immediately because it hates you and will sneak away from you. #TenThingsAboutWriting
If you write about stuff you love, stuff you love becomes work. Embrace it, because it won't change. #TenThingsAboutWriting
12. The price of a job you love is always being at work. For the sake of your relationships and your mental health, try your hardest not to be, but you still are, so try to find a way of coping. #TenThingsAboutWriting
13. Readers want to things: to be told stories and to feel feelings. As such, ask yourself two questions: what is this about, and what is this really about? #TenThingsAboutWriting #NationalWritingDay
If there are any writers of colour to whom I can be of help, I've done books, opinions, interviews, ghosting, liveblogs, screenplays and films, on sport, music, politics and film. I'm happy to give pointers, notes and contacts where I've got them - get in touch.
You can follow @DanielHarris.
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