You mean the BW fossil twitter that believes “Batswana are NOT unemployed, just lazy”? The ones who “don’t concern themselves with politics”, rape or GBV issues? The ones who preach “entrepreneurship is the answer; anyone can do it, so to hell with creatives & their complaints”??
They’re not used to this form of radical protesting. They’d rather we “e-mail” our oppressors; the people in power, as this is how they’ve lived as subordinates.

The same people that called us “bana ba di’rights” not so long ago because we refused to be abused & raped. 2/
They forget that most of them are networked — politically & socially, employed or earn enough of an income to be comfortable in such chaos. They are truly unaffected by the prevailing circumstances that young people of Botswana are so desperately trying to fight. 3/
They forget that they were gaslitten for years by an oppressive gov’t that suppressed any uprisings through assimilation, media manipulation & corpral punishment. Fear tactics of which gov’t justified for years (still does) & they accepted it; learned to love their oppressors. 3/
Ba ipotsa gore ga monana are “tautona ga a tshidise batho sentle” o raya jang, ebile keng a kgona go bua jalo, because they simply DO NOT UNDERSTAND. 4/
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