Day 3 of #MicrobeArtWalk and I'm going to share the rest of my shopping picks later, so keep your eyes peeled.

But first I want to talk a bit about the dark and arcane subject of...
#sciart #illustration #commissions #ASMMicrobeOnline @ASMicrobiology
What I'm about to say in this #Thread broadly applies to anyone who wants to #commissionart but specifically for #sciencetwitter
Most artists who sell their art will make something specially for you if you ask them to!

How amazing is that?

They will create something as specific as you like, and work with you to get it just right...
It will cost more, yes, because it will take more time. But it should be what you maybe didn't realise you wanted all along...
'I love your art but...

''s a bit too expensive'
'...I wish I could afford it'
''s not really worth that' (ouch!)

But what could the #art be used for?I understand that as a society we don't put too much #value in personal enjoyment, edification and #inspiration, sure (not that I agree). But #communication? #Promotion? Yes... That stuff pays the bills!
Perhaps for a #scientist it's easier to think of #sciart as a reagent. An antibody might cost $500 a pop, but the answers it gets you are priceless! (Or at least another grant). Art is like that too. Why know about something if you can't share that knowledge?
Plus all the stuff you can't predict! Sometimes the commissioning process itself leads to new ideas or questions. Sometimes your commission will inspire that talented postdoc to email you, sparking a lifelong fruitful collaboration!
So maybe try adding some budget for #sciart and #scicomm on your next grant?

They're not going to reject you on that basis. The worst they do is say you can't use the money for that.

Give it a go!
Now to the process itself!

I can only really speak for myself of course, but at least its a starting point...
First off, contact the artist with enough time to give them flexibility about when they do it. They don't just float around in a vacuum waiting for your email. The more time you give them, the easier it is to shuffle priorities. I like about 2 weeks minimum.
Then tell them...
- What you want
(What's it about?/How big?/ What style?)
- When you want it
(can you be flexible?)
- What it's for
(if it's digital, what rights do you actually need?)
This sets up a conversation to discuss the pricing. Without these details it's hard to know how long something will take, how much materials it will use, or how much use you'll get out of it.
I also use it as a starting point to draw up terms. Don't be offended if someone wants you to sign something before they do work for you - it's so you both know what's expected & avoids nasty surprises at the end.
Terms contain useful info, like how many revisions is reasonable to expect for that price and a kill fee clause to protect the artist and their ideas.
Once you've agreed terms, it's really helpful to organise the things that need organising before the artist can be paid, while they do the work. Like registering them as a supplier or raising a PO number. Otherwise they have to wait much longer to be paid.
Hopefully you will actually enjoy the back and forth of initial ideas and iterations that comes from commissioning something you work on and love. I definitely do!
And then comes the big reveal - you get to see what the inside of your head looks like from someone else's point of view!
You inspired ART!!
Use it. Enjoy it. Be inspired back.
So the next time you see a style you like, or something on sale by an artist and it's not quite what you want, consider commissioning them. And think of all the different ways you might be able to use it to make it pay for itself 🤩
You can follow @eliza_coli.
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