We can all see the cliff looming & in months we will have lost many of the structures that produce/contain/constrain our work. Use the space below as a brainstorm for how we might build an inclusive, financially & ecologically sustainable, 100% freelance performance culture. Go:
Caveat 1: we need broader ideas than musos tend to have, so please retweet to colleagues in theatre, dance, pop, folk, digital, & the multi/dis-ability/amateur orgs!
Caveat 2: Please try not to make this a list of what you individually need/want. It's about a healthy ecosystem
We could start by acknowledging the types of creative activity and organisations that seem to be adapting more easily, and have done something fresh or inspiring during this period. For me: @Alan_Measles's art club on the telly, the micro-commissions for dancers and musos
that many tiny organisations have been managing (funding dependent, I know); groups like @nevisensemble (biased, sorry) that are used to performing in weird/difficult spaces; those who shifted to digital with existing work planned, like @TheOperaStory
I've also been thinking about the point in time when film and TV introduced alternative to live theatre. Were these same discussions had about the loss of "live" performance elements? Did it harm live theatre long-term? Any theatre historians who can help us with that one?
In classical music, many complex themes seem to overlap: white/euro-centrism; fetishisation of historic canon; focus from earliest education through to profession on the "ideal" (technique, acoustic, concert behaviour); class hierarchies; ableism...
What would happen if we removed one or more of those legs entirely from underneath the body of what we do (for instance @JonHargreaves5 has floated the idea already of not advertising what will be in a programme).
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