Why I’m weary tonight: a thread. 👇

250 jobs cut at the ABC, 70 at the National Gallery. 600 supermarket workers at Woolies made redundant because robots are cheaper, after risking their lives delivering groceries for the past three months. 1/5
Child care system collapsing due to the greed of for-profit owners and a government that won’t value women’s work. Posties set to lose one in four jobs due to government regulation changes that soften up Australia Post for privatisation. 2/5
University funding cuts that mean fewer kids from working class backgrounds can study beyond Year 12 and they are priced out of humanities degrees altogether. Women dropping out of the workforce altogether at three times the rate of men. 3/5
Youth unemployment in some areas of regional Aust now up to 35%. More creepy old men having got away with sexual harassment for decades while enjoying highly paid careers & public accolades. Two more women this week killed by their partners. 4/5
We still refuse to endorse the Uluru Statement from the Heart and First Nations people continue to die violently and prematurely at the hands of the state.

And it hit 35 Degrees Celsius in the Arctic yesterday.

How long are we going to put up with this shit?! #auspol 5/5
And - I am sorry for neglecting this - we are still locking up innocent, desperate people in offshore gulags for having the temerity to aspire to a life of security that so many of us take for granted.
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