I’m bored, so who here wants to hear about the Lore and History behind my homebrew #SistersOfBattle Army - The Order of the Conquering Lion? Cuz not to brag, but it’s pretty fucking awesome. #WarhammerCommunity #40K #WarHammer40k
Well then, since you guys asked. Hopefully, you’ll enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it up. #Warhammer40kLore #WarhammerCommunity #SistersOfBattle #AdeptaSoritas #HomeBrew @OculusImperia @TacticaImperial @NornQueenAlexis
The Order of the Conquering Lion, an Order Minorus of the Ebon Chalice was founded in the year 131 of M37, after the events leading up to the Absalon Re-Consecration. The Order’s Priory-Fortress is located on the Shrine World of Axum, Absalon Sector, Segementum Obsurcus.
Unlike many worlds, Axum has not suffered from the rampant ecological destruction so common within the Imperium of Man. This is due to the planet’s classification as a Shrine World & that it’s native population is kept in a medevial level of cultural & technological development.
The overwhelming majority of the native population live on the largest of the planet’s three continents, located in Axum’s Southern hemisphere. The continent has two geological features of note: The Mustafa Mountain Range, which runs north/south along the continent’s western edge
And an incomprehensibly massive steep-sided canyon which runs in a East/West direction to the North of the continent. This is known locally, simply as ‘The Scar’.
Between these two features, the rest of the continent is given over to vast rolling savannas, inhospitable scrub lands & fertile river valleys. So numerous are the rivers of Axum, it is said there is one river on the planet for every world within the Imperium.
Where the two greatest rivers, the Sheba and the Selassie meet they form the largest inland river delta on the planet. The Delta is known as the Pride Lands and it is home to Axum’s two largest Apex Predators: The Axum River Crocodile & The Axumian Lion. It is also sacred ground.
Since time immemorial the Axumian Lion has been considered a symbol of Royality, Nobilty & Divinity. During Old Night, primitive cults even worshipped the Lion as living gods. Of course that all changed during the Great Crusade, when the Emperor Himself set foot upon the planet.
When the Emperor arrived on Axum, the people instantly recognized Him as their one true Lord & Master, offering up their world to Him without hesitation. With no war to fight the Emperor spent his time on Axum in a state of respite gathering his strength for the battles yet to be
While relaxing the Emperor took time to tour His new dominion, sailing the length of mighty Selassie. During this journey the Emperors boat was attacked by a great Crocodile. The foul beast latched onto the Emperors arm, dragging the Lord of Lighting down into the churing waters
As the Emperor wrestled against the mounstrous beast, out of the bush pounced an almighty Lion, an indomitable creature of Herculean proportions, the largest ever recorded in the wild.
The Lion attacked the Crocodile, defending the Emperor and fighting alongside The Master of Mankind to defeat the blasphemous reptile! And together they were successful in vanquishing and killing their deadly foe.
The Emperor of course survived the battle with the most minor of scratches. The Lion, most noble of creatures, was not so fortunate, dying from the wounds it received from the Crocodile. But what a death. The Lion took its last breath, cradled in the arms of the Emperor Himself.
The Emperor ordered his Astartes to bury the Lion with full military honors, declaring before all the gathered Axumian Nobility and peasantry that the magnificent creature was “Aslan” which in the native language meant “beloved son”.
In the millennia that followed a temple was built on the site where the Lion was buried, the Temple of the Lion Victorius. Within the Temple, the Shrine of Martyred Son. & within the Shrine are housed the bones of the creature known throughout the Absalon Sector as Saint Aslan.
It is this Temple, this Shrine, these Holy Relics that the Sisters of the Conquering Lion have sworn themselves to protect & defend with their very lives. And woe betide any Heretic, Mutant, Xenos or thrice-damned servant of the Runious Powers who would dare to test their resolve
The Colors of the Sisters of the Conquering Lion are Yellow, Green and Red. They fight using not only the Holy Trinity of Bolter, Melta and Flamer but also the Axumian Spear. They are some of, if not the most, skilled polearm fighters in the whole of the Imperium.
One unique quirk about the Sisters of the Conquering Lion is that they not only defend the Shrine of Saint Aslan, but the whole of the Pride Lands, acting in some regard as Holy Rangers.
The Sisters will often go to war with teams of Lionesses charging ahead of them or on rare occasions even ride them into battle.
That may be a wee bit over the top TBH but I do love the visual...
What I need is to get a big Lion mini that I can basically treat as Saint Celestine on the table.
Think about it, what would be more appropriate. You’re in a desperate fight against an Ork Waagh, right on the ragged edge of defeat and all a sudden this big old Celestial Lion shows up out of nowhere and starts tearing the living fuck out of some Greenskins.
Something like...
Mufasa Range!! Not...damn fingers!!
So I’ve been thinking about Table Top play. Not sure why, I’m more a RPG girl but I can diversify. Anyway, we swap out Celestine for a big Celestial Lion. Then we swap out Repentia (The new ones are better, but I still have issues...) with a squad of bad-ass spear maidens.
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