I, of course, will never vote for a party with 'liberal' in its name. But people I know who approved of Labour shifting left under Corbyn but didn't actually join Labour are going to eat this shit up.
It's not just about policy- it's that culture war that Starmer so desperately wants to avoid fighting. Present young, not especially politicised people with a choice between a guy in a suit both-sidesing BLM and a pansexual talking about UBI and what do you think will happen?
Most of these young people- the ones who didn't join Labour under Corbyn- never *really* believed anything was going to change anyway, so the 'don't throw your vote away' stuff won't wash.
The Jolyons still refused to vote Labour even when Labour was the only route to Remain. Nutters voted BXP where it had no chance of winning. Due to FPTP of votes are 'thrown' away at every election. The LDs will get votes if they're to the left of/more socially liberal than Lab.
Frankly a lot of people ON THE LEFT thought they were throwing away their vote by voting Labour in 2017.
A leftward shift by the LDs may end up demonstrating how uninterested many Labour ‘moderates’ are in winning elections. We know they hate young Corbynites, and we know they think people who voted for ‘Magic Grandpa’ are stupid, but realistically can’t win without them.
They'll probably think this is quite good for them, in that it can help them manage out a few more liberal-left members. This could be a test of whether Starmer has any propensity at all to smell their bullshit.
Just for clarity, no, I do not believe for a single, solitary second that THE LIBERAL DEMOCRATS are going to be a serious centre left party. I do believe they could convince a small but significant number of voters that they are a nice, cuddly, socially liberal centre left party.
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