Henceforth, when I wonder if I should’ve stayed in, I will think of yesterday...when I learned that only 54% of eligible majors in aviation were selected for promotion. Some of the best officers I’ve ever seen got passed over. For context, the usual rate is 70%-75% 1/
There are always duds who deserve to be passed over. And edge cases. But the reality is the Army does not love you, and does not care about you. Leaders may, but a board does not. You are a name and some OERs and little else (insert all the sturm & drang about photos here). 2/
Many SRs still have no idea how to write an OER well. I was blessed to have a boss who ran SMD at HRC and taught us how to really write SR comments. But many think they’re doing you a favor and they’re simply not—a lesson we were taught well. 3/
Always have an escape plan. Know your exit and how you’ll get to it, with your loved ones in tow, and your dignity and your heart intact. No promotion board can judge you as a person, but that doesn’t mean much when you’re at 16 years with no pension, unsure of the future. 4/
Remember—and I’ve said this a hundred times—don’t ever let the military tell you when you’re done. You tell them when you’re done. The moment you leave, the Army will never think about you again. The military will never visit you or hug you. Plan accordingly. 5/
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