I am opposed to the death penalty. I'm deeply uncomfortable with the state being allowed to kill people. This is why it doesn't matter to me if someone has committed a crime or not. That should never excuse the police, an arm of the state, killing people.
We should NEVER be comfortable with the state killing people. Whether through the death penalty, poverty, police, lack of healthcare, or our military, which exports death around the globe
This is what is meant by "necropolitics." When they argue that people should die for the economy. When they tell you there's a good reason for the police to kill again and again. When they condemn you to die for their systems, their dollars, their power. That's necropolitics.
The state should never be allowed to turn people into the walking dead.
The United States is not uniquely necropolitical but I do think we might be the worst these days
Between our prisons, our wars, our weapons, our capitalism... I really am starting to think America is the big bad.
I've thought this for a while but every time I think about it I am simultaneously thinking about all the propaganda I was fed growing up, all the convenient lies and subtle threats
There is something deeply, deeply wrong with this place and it's been this way my whole life. It's unsettling to think about
It's like realizing you were born in the jaws of a monster and waiting for it to chew you up and eat you
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