Iceland is testing on arrival, from the number of cases they have detected a normal years tourism to Ireland ( just under 10 million visitors) would result in the importation of 40,000 cases.
Testing on arrival will miss infections that have occurred in the last 2-3 days so would still require 3 days of quarantine & a second test. Those 3 days are the period when some will be most infectious (seems to be right before symptoms ). There isn’t a single medic here
The original idea of allowing travel from countries that have likewise crushed the virus is reasonable as the only added risk is tourists generate a lot of contacts. But allowing tourism from England, US or Sweden could put us back on track to mass infections in days.
Most of the other relaxations have in current conditions of low incidence room for error & reversal. Combination of unregulated tourist arrivals & pubs opening does not. Instant disaster
Also worth noting there are no climate specialists on that panel - climate change is real & the growth of aviation one of the harder threats to mitigate. It’s collapse could be an opportunity to address that rather than simply build the problem back to its previous level
Not clear how many of these tests were travel related but assuming all were a similar ratio here would give us almost 8,000 new cases & indeed we have already had 10 travel related cases on almost no movement
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