I posted this as a sort of joke, but I’m also quite serious.

When this is over, there’s a real opportunity *not* to go back to normal, and to make some tweaks that welcome the neurodiverse into public spaces.

Instead of replying ‘😢but I love hugging my friends’ read on... https://twitter.com/_katherine_may_/status/1275468335719878658
Here are some of the things that often make it impossible for me to attend/remain at events (thread):

Rooms chosen to push people close together rather than allow personal space.
Loud music playing while people are supposed to be talking.

Poor quality sound amplification on PA systems.
Seatinging packed tight so that I can’t move around to stay comfortable and regulated.

Yes, this is figeting. Yes, it’s annoying, but only if room plans assume I won’t need to do it.
Cultures of hugging, touching and kissing that assume my consent.
Conferences and events withh schedules packed tightly so that I can’t take regular breaks.

Or people saying ‘Shall we skip this break and aim to leave early?’ It’s extremely hard to be the person who says ‘no thanks’.
No quiet space provided to retreat, reset, reflect.
Poorly managed discussions that allow the loudest voices to dominate, and don’t facilitate the voices of people who need longer to collect their thoughts.
Networking opportunities that feel more like school discos.
A lack of an in invitation to ask for accomodations.

Accomodations that amount to segregation.
There are many more.

Experience tells me that lots of neurotypical folk will now @ me to say ‘but I I like things that way too.’

But (1) please bear in mind that this causes exclusion for ND communities, rather than discomfort. And (2) join us in advocating change.
Most of all, PLEASE don’t forget the negotiations you’ve learned to hold in lockdown over personal space and individual boundaries.
You can follow @_katherine_may_.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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