So many people it seems stick themselves into the same routine
Going through each day's rituals with almost religious precision
They in turn become creatures of simple habit and part of that is the comfort afforded by familiarity
A deep rooted belief is that
as long as they keep everything the same,everything will remain the same
Such rituals are a way to control the world about them they think.

But in truth they cannot, for even if they follow the same routine day after day, death will surely find them
I have seen people paralyze
their entire existence around the greatest mysteriesShaping their every movement, their every word in a desperate attempt to find answers to the unanswerable
They fool themselves either through interpretations of ancient texts or through some obscure sign from a natural event,
Into believing that theyhave found the ultimate truth and thus if they behave accordingly to that truth they will be rewarded in the afterlife

Muslims denying their god, Christians begging for the pagan gods or be left alone
This must be the greatest manifestation
of that fear of death, the errant belief that we can somehow shape and decorate eternity itself
That we can curtain its window and place its furniture in accordance with our desperate desires.
For we are born with a finite number of breaths and each one we take egdes us
closer towards inevitable dusk

© Abiodun Salimonu (🖋️🐉: PenDragon) 07066620805
[email protected]
Date : 12th September 2019
Creator : Poemoji (A brand of poem that infuses emojis with words to create more vivid imagination)
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